Jonathan should know better too.

Business news and such: I have created a fan page on facebook for LaSalle’s Legacy. There will be a link button up sometime today, once I figure out how to do that. In the meantime, the url is here: LaSalle’s Legacy on Facebook . Updates and con attendances will be updated there.

In other news, I went to Balticon this weekend and had a lot of fun. I’ve wanted to cosplay since I went to my first anime con in college, but never had the skills to create an outfit, nor the money to pay someone to create an outfit for me. This time, with much help from a friend of mine, I was able to put together most of an outfit and could happily wander around all dressed up like everyone else. I also sold a piece of art in the art show, and got to spend time with friends, so it was a good con. Next up is Otakon!