Wait, whut? It didn’t work? D: The Medicine Woman didn’t lie, did she? D:

If you’ve been following me on Facebook, Tumblr, or Twitter, you’ll have noticed I’m participating in a 21 Days Art challenge, or 21 days to be a better artist. Since I’m not as confident with my color ability (one of the reasons I don’t do this comic in color), I decided to practice color studies from master paintings. I’m learning tons and I’ve only been doing it for 11 days! If you want to watch me progress and grow in my color and painting technique, follow me on either facebook, Tumblr or Twitter. I generally post on Tumblr and let it post to Twitter and FB, but if you don’t want to see my Dragon Age Inquisition obsession, Twitter or FB are the best places to see just the art.

Repeating from Tuesday- it looks like Chapter 19 will be wrapping up the last week of April/first week of May. I probably won’t be online by then, considering my due date is April 17, but the pages will go up and there will be a holding page while I go on maternity leave. Basically what’s going to happen is I’ll be taking off until about November-December and will start posting announcements for when I’ll be returning around that time. I might just start up again January 2016, but we’ll see how things work out. The comic will probably be updating only once a week at that time too. I kind of hate to do that given this is a long-form story, but it might have to be done that way until the baby gets a little older. We’re nearing the last stages so at least there’ll be that to look forward to!

As for more kickstarters, I just heard of one for Cassius, which if you love Shakspeare’s Julius Cesar and Roman history, you might be interested in. The art is super gorgeous and the artist and writer are looking to print a first book! I don’t think there’s a webcomic, but you can see some of the development on the Kickstarter page.

And the Adrastus and Snow by Night kickstarters are also still underway! Help support your favorite webcomics!