Ooo, so that’s who they are. Any bets on whether Henry’s actually going to get answers?

I have a couple of news bits. First off; I spent Sunday with the creators of Tamuran sailing on the flagship Niagara, a two-masted brig used by the US in the war of 1812 on lake Erie. They took her out to the middle of Lake Erie and we helped to raise the sails, tack the ship, and watched them fire a cannon. The weather was gorgeous with a good headwind and we traveled pretty far on the lake, though the sides of the brig were so high that it was difficult to see over the edge. Unfortunately, I did get a little seasick so I spent some time below decks fighting nausea. Thankfully, my friends and husband were kind enough to check on me from time to time and towards the end when the waves got less rough I was able to go back up top and enjoy the rest of the voyage.

The second news bit is a webcomic plug. If you are part of the Dragon Age fandom, you’ll be very familiar with the works of Irma Ahmed, or Aimo. She’s teamed up with writer Allison Pang in creating the online graphic novel Fox and Willow. It’s a story about a girl and her fox and loosely based on contemporary fairy tales. They’ve just started on the first story, “Came a Harper” and so far it’s pretty intriguing. Check it out!