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Main Characters – Crew of the Laughing Panda – St Barnabas – Dryfast – X’antu Tribe – Madeline’s Island
Main Characters
Jonathan LaSalle
Captain of the Laughing Panda, Jared’s half-brother.
Jonathan escaped Surt House when he could and used his money and influence to buy himself a ship and crew, working for Richard Figglesby of Figglesby and Son. He has just recently learned of Rijik Van Heissler and is searching out ways to destroy him. |
Jared Brown
Pirate/ne’r do well, Jonathan’s half-brother.
Jared wants Rijik Van Heissler destroyed so he can live free. Jared enlisted Jonathan, in the hopes his goody-two-shoes half brother will do all the dirty work for him. |
Yvette DelacroixAble seaman of the Laughing Panda
Yvette came aboard the Panda, escaping a life of poverty and crime. However, it may not be as easy to escape the slums as she hoped. |
Rijik Van HeisslerCaptain of the Revenge and zombie.
Rijik is Madeline’s only success at necromancy, and she originally made him to help her out. Rijik has other plans for his new body, all having to do with wiping out all of Pierre LaSalle’s descendants from the world. |
HenryMedic of the Laughing Panda.
Henry is an accomplished Medic, which is the sole reason Jonathan hired him despite the fact that he is a rogue magic user. He is researching necromancy on Jonathan’s behest, but this may not be his first time delving into that subject. |
Robert (Bob) Hornigold First mate of the Laughing Panda.
Originally Pierre LaSalle’s second mate, Bob is the seasoned hand of the Panda. While he professes loyalty to Jonathan LaSalle, he harbors a secret that may put him in conflict with the Laughing Panda’s captain. |
Maria EspinosaAble seaman of the Laughing Panda.
Maria came aboard the Panda to escape from an arranged marriage not to her liking. A romantic at heart, she is Yvette’s self-proclaimed matchmaker. |
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The Crew of the Laughing Panda
Duncan Kerry Second mate.
Duncan’s father is good friends with the O’Brians, which landed him this job. His experience running a pub has come in handy when trying to control a whole ship full of young men, and he is extremely loyal to Jonathan. He is also known for his way with the ladies.. |
Colin Dermott Botswain.
Colin was chosen by Duncan for his leadership ability and common sense. His mother’s shop provides much of the sails for the Laughing Panda. He plays the penny whistle, and thinks of Yvette as one of his younger sisters. |
Cook/Daniel/Qzcanul (KEEZ-kah-nool) Cook.
A Native Islander from the X’antu tribe, Cook speaks little about himself and his past, preferring only to go by the name of ‘Cook’. He is Rodney’s uncle. |
RodneyAble seaman.
Though he looks like a skeleton, Rodney is only 12 years old, and tends to act like it. |
”Cannonball” Drake Leary Cannonmaster.
Drake is cannon-obsessed and will impart his vast knowledge of cannons to anyone unlucky enough to be within hearing distance. He named all the cannons in the hold after women he knew, but no one knows what his relationship was to these women. |
Angus BurkeCarpenter.
Angus has an engineer’s mind and a pessimist’s heart. He also plays a mean bodhran. |
Patrick Farrell
Able seaman.Patrick’s middle name is Trouble, and he’s usually hip deep in it. He loves practical jokes and, along with Brian, ends up pranking the crew constantly. |
Kevin Lalor Able seaman (now deceased).
Kevin spends his days playing his fiddle when he’s not tending the ship. He’s often in his own world and doesn’t speak much. He was killed by Bob for being unlucky enough to overhear a conversation he wasn’t supposed to. |
Seamus O’MalleyAble seaman.
Seamus lets nothing trouble him. If he’s not swinging from the ropes, he’s watching the sea for fish. |
Keegan Leavy Able seaman.
Possessing keen eyes, Keegan is the main lookout for the Panda. His interest in topography landed him a spot on the Panda and he spends his free time learning navigation as well as making maps. |
Liam MurphyAble seaman.
Liam’s father is the only lawyer on St Barnabas and Liam was supposed to follow in his footsteps. Instead, Liam joined the crew of the Laughing Panda, where his genius at engineering is more appreciated. |
Mannix Gleeson Able seaman and pastor.
Mannix was studying to become a pastor when his parents died, leaving his little brother in his care. Unable to take his vows, he was asked aboard the Panda to help bring Rodney to Hewan’s light so Rodney’s soul can finally leave this world. Mannix took his little brother along in the hopes of teaching him a trade as well as keeping him from too much temptation. |
Oliver Gleeson Ship’s boy.
At 11, Oliver is about Rodney’s age, and the two are good friends. Oliver adores his overprotective big brother, but also feels smothered by him at the same time, and hopes someday Mannix will take his priestly vows at the Temple of St Gerome. |
Brian Cormac Able seaman.
Little is known about Brian, since he arrived at St Barnabas just when Jonathan was recruiting able seamen. He is good friends with Patrick, and the two are often seen pranking the others together. He is also the sole witness to Bob’s indiscretion, but for some reason hasn’t informed his captain. |
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Other characters-St Barnabas
Richard FigglesbyOwner of Figglesby and Son Shipping Company.
Although his business is named “Figglesby and Son”, Richard Figglesby has no son. Rather, he has a daughter. He doesn’t allow this, or anything else, stand in the way of him running his business smoothly. |
Elizabeth FigglesbyDaughter of Richard Figglesby.
Since her mother died, Elizabeth has been the lady of the Figglesby house, taking care of all the household needs and ensuring her father eats healthy. She also helps him make business decisions, though he would firmly insist otherwise. |
Thomas O’Brian Accountant for Figglesby and Son.
Jonathan befriended Thomas while they were attending Surt House together, and Thomas tries to be a voice of reason for his friend. He is currently working on expanding Figglesby and Son to prove himself worthy of Elizabeth Figglesby’s hand. |
Samuel TurnerButler and household staff manager of LaSalle Manor.
Sam came with Jonathan to St Barnabas from Dunlon, and is a surrogate father-figure to him. He keeps the manor running smoothly as well as an eye on Jonathan’s funds. |
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Other characters-Dryfast
MarkLittle is known about Mark at this time. He seems to know Yvette. |
Edmunton CrawleyGentleman.
Crawley fancies himself a lord, though titles are a thing of the past in the United Islands, and acts like one. He holds a deep grudge against Jonathan for embarrassing him in the streets of Upper Dryfast and subsequently spending a night in jail. |
Gordon WeatherbyGentleman.
Gordon Weatherby has been a pain in Jonathan’s side since they attended Surt House together. While he has always harassed Thomas, and tried to wheedle his way into Jonathan’s good graces, a thoughtless comment about Jonathan’s mother earned him a scar on his cheek. He is seeking to repay Jonathan for that in kind. |
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Other characters-X’antu Tribe
Olomin (o-LU-min) Medicine Woman.
Olomin has been the Medicine woman for the X’antu tribe for as long as anyone can remember, and her power is legendary. It was she who created Rodney. While she is disdainful of foreign magic, meeting Henry has caused her to reconsider her previous position. |
Eloxochitl (e-low-so-CHEEL)Chief of the X’antu Tribe.
Eloxochitl took over as chief from Qzcanul’s sister and is fiercely protective of her small tribe and extremely distrustful of foreigners. |
Atzul (at-ZHUL) Qzcanul’s wife.
For reasons unknown at this time, she did not accompany Qzcanul when he left the tribe. |
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Other characters-Madeline’s Island
Madeline Gantart
Crystal Worker.
Madeline is Rijik’s creator, and so far the only University-trained magic user who has been successful practicing necromancy. She is currently trying to duplicate her results with Rijik, but has not been successful. |
Esther Madeline’s assistant.
Esther was chosen to be Madeline’s assistant because she had a willingness to learn and a very good work ethic. Her real name isn’t Esther; she chose it upon entering the University.( |
Ingrid Krause Madeline’s assistant.
While Ingrid is blessed with a good amount of magical ability, she was chosen because of her scholarly nature. |
Pierre LaSalleFormer captain of the Victory.
Rumored to be dead, Ingrid found Pierre chained up in Rijik’s corner of Madeline’s Island. Just what plans does Rijik have in store for him? |
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