They have so much in common! Brothers, being the youngest; no wonder they’re friends.

Starting next Friday, I will be on vacation. This won’t affect the update schedule, but I might not be able to post updates on the social media sites. Also, Balticon is happening Memorial Day weekend! I’m going to be a panelist, but I don’t know what my schedule is just yet. I’ll update that when I know it. Balticon is a really good, small sci-fi convention with a very good science track as well as the usual fannish offerings. If you’re in the area, it’s a wonderful place to be.

This past weekend I attended the Spoutwood Fairie Festival. It’s a wonderful little festival taking place on Spoutwood farm, where they have a day full of concerts, cosplay, vendors, and a maypole dance. There’s also a small observatory built on the site and they had the telescope set up so you could look at the sun, which is pretty awesome. My favorite thing to do there is look at the observatory, shop, and eat hemp pretzels. All in all, it was a pretty fun day. Here are a couple of photos for your enjoyment.

Me and a pig. Doesn’t it look deliciou–er, cute?
