Many apologies for the lateness of this post. I had an eye exam this morning and had my eyes all dialated, which meant It was hard to see for a few hours. The good news is that my eyes are all healthy!

I had a lot of fun doing these next couple of pages. I hope you enjoy them as much as I had making them. 🙂

I’ve also been madly playing Fallout 3. The story is really good, but I’m not very good at shooters so it took a while for me to stop dying every time I went into combat. Having a companion with me helps since they tend to draw enemy fire. 🙂 Although I love all of Bethesda Softworks games, I do find it tedious to keep roaming around the countryside looking for the place I’m supposed to go to. It wasn’t too bad in Oblivion since I could just take the straight path most times, but in the Capital Wasteland, half the time there are huge piles of rubble blocking your way so a straight line isn’t usually the correct way. I get lost easily even in real life so it takes me a while to finally get somewhere. Ah well.