Uh oh…

I wanted to give a big Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday and voted for LaSalle’s Legacy on TWC last week. 🙂 You guys made my day! I also want to welcome anyone who is coming here from Balticon. We’re currently in the middle of Chapter 9; you can use the Chapters tab or the First Page tab to read from the very beginning.

This week’s Spiderforest comic of the week is LeyLines by Robin Dempsey. Secrets have haunted the High Sage’s family for generations. The mystery that drives Tama and Mizha, the young heirs to the throne, is who killed their mother–and whether they’ll be next. As their nation becomes entangled in conspiracy, the only way they can save their family and their home is to seek out the ancient gods, but the gods give nothing for free. Awesome read with beautiful pictures.

Balticon was a lot of fun! I met lots of webcomics people including Bryan Prindiville of Bassetville who was my sole panel partner for two panels because of no shows. I also had a blast hanging out with Elaine Corvedae of Riven Sol and lots of my other non-webcomic friends. All the panels seemed to go well, and I’m looking forward to going back next year. I’m going to try to have a writeup posted on my tumblr and Facebook today; we’ll see how that goes.