And we’re back to the focus lines! Action! Drama! Suspense! 😀

This week’s SpiderForest comic of the week is Dream*scar. Dream*scar takes place in a world where creatures of myth and lore reside among humans and call themselves Unhuman. The main character is Vis, a Dhampir who is discovering the world of the Unhumans as well as figuring out what exactly a Dhampir is. Drama, romance and action, what more could you ask for in a comic? And done in beautiful color work.

This weekend I went to go see “The Hunger Games” with a friend of mine. I’m one of the few people on the planet who hasn’t read the books yet, so it was nice going into the movie with no pre-expectations. I doubt I’ll do the same for the next two as watching the movie made me eager to read the books. I also hate shaky-cam. Shaky-cam is bad for movies. Seriously.