And we’re back! Thank you for your patience. I did not expect backing up my computer would take three days, but it did, thanks to a couple of computer crashes. Now that I’ve got all the bugs worked out of my backup process, I hope that things will go much more smoothly.

My Thanksgiving weekend was pretty low-key, which is how I like it. On the actual day, we had our traditional lunch with my father. Since he doesn’t like turkey (or any fowl meat) we always have a lasagna baking as well as traditional Thanksgiving fare. Achievement Unlocked: Bake turkey breast for first time with no mishaps. After lunch, we went on a killing spree in Gauntlet: Dark Legacy. I don’t normally play co-operative games, but slaying monsters with my dad and husband reminded me how fun co-op can be.

I normally hibernate on Black Friday, but this time we needed to go pick up my Ipad from the store, and took the opportunity to see ‘Wreck-it Ralph’, which is now my favorite movie of the year. So many gamer references in that movie, and it had real heart and courage. Plus they used a J-pop song in the Sugar Rush game. I was happily geeked-out. Next up is convincing my husband to see “Rise of the Guardians.”

I spent the rest of the weekend alternating between playing with my Ipad and farming in Harvest Moon; Tale of Two Towns. I don’t know why I’m so addicted to these Harvest Moon games, but I am. I’m a little concerned that I’ll be ‘finishing’ the game early. The goal is to bring the two mayors of the two towns together in friendship and nearing the end of year 1, I’m almost halfway there. I suppose finding a spouse is enough impetus to continue the game, but it’s a little strange to be this close to finishing so soon. I haven’t even gotten most of the villagers to the second stage of liking me.

How was your Thanksgiving weekend (if you celebrate)? I hope everyone had a relaxing time!