Jon, you have no chance against two women. Especially when both are giving you the puppy eyes.

It’s almost Christmastime! If you’re looking for something unusual, some good reading, or just would like to support me, I’ve got books and sundry available in the store. Order this week and you’re guaranteed delivery by Christmas. 🙂

Also, I’m looking for some fanart for the break between this chapter and the next. If you’d like to participate, please send me your art at captain at lasalleslegacy dot com along with your website, if you have one. If you need color references, since I don’t work in color, email me there too and I’ll get them to you. Deadline is December 31. Thanks to everyone who participated so far! 😀

And thank you everyone who expressed their condolences for me last week. I appreciate all your kind words and thoughts. 🙂