Happy February! I spent most of last month catching colds, recovering from sciatica, and spraying myself with lysol so I didn’t catch the stomach bug my daughter caught. I’m crossing my fingers this month everyone stays healthy so I can get back to work.
This month, if you’re in the Baltimore area, please come to Bmore Into Comics at Cosmic Comix and Toys in Catonsville, MD on February 17. I’ll be there from 1-6 selling copies of LaSalle’s Legacy and the 1,001 knights books. Plus, you’ll meet a whole lot of other cool Maryland comic folks like Kata Kane and Charles Dowd. Come on by!
Well, I trust him.
Damn! Van Heissler’s facial acne and pimples are so bad, no wonder he is going amok! Someone should refer him to a good dermatologist or at least, where to buy a decent deep cleanser lotion!
He’s got one of those trustworthy faces, doesn’t he?