When something doesn’t work, try and try again. Even if it’s matchmaking. XD TWC vote incentive is the character sheet reference I created for Azura, the crystal worker who appears in 2 pages. XD I read this post from The Temple of the Seven suns about Carson van Osten, a former Disney comic book artist (which you should read, it’s extremely enlightening) about how one should always have designed even minor characters before starting to draw. I have yet to put this into practice all the time, but I’ve noticed that when I do, my drawings are ten times better. One day, I might even learn to do it all the time. XD I grabbed the link from Laur Uy’s page, which is an excellent resource for comic-related links.

I also forgot to mention this Tuesday, but check out this week’s M.F.K. by Nilah. You’ll see a familiar face in panel 4. 😉

Next Tuesday is Christmas so there will be a special Christmas-themed update. I’ll also be taking my usual break from social media that day as well. We’ll resume the regular storyline next Thursday.

Also, I’m looking for some fanart for the break between this chapter and the next. If you’d like to participate, please send me your art at captain at lasalleslegacy dot com along with your website, if you have one. If you need color references, since I don’t work in color, email me there too and I’ll get them to you. Deadline is December 31. Thanks to everyone who participated so far! 😀

In gaming news, I finished the Leviathan and Omega DLCs for Mass Effect 3. Both were really good short stories, but during the Omega DLC, I would have liked a non-biotic squadmate, especially since my Shepard is an adept. le sigh. Next up is Mass Effect 1, just released for the PS3. Maybe after playing that, I’ll get a little better understanding of what the whole universe is about.